Healing Collective

“The secret of healing is to rise by the power of belief above the limitations of this world of variety, that one may touch by the power of intelligence the oneness of the whole Being. It is there that one becomes charged with the almighty power, and it is by the power of that attainment that one is able to help oneself and others in their pain and suffering. Verily, spirit has all the power there is.”

~ Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

The Sirat-i Inayat Healing Collective works actively to awaken the heart and the healing power within each of us, to bring comfort, peace, wholeness, and strength to ourselves and each other. In all circumstances, at all times, the power of prayer can bring energy, hope, and healing.

Inayat Khan assigned healing prayers for individual mureeds as a daily practice. Many mureeds invite vitality and balance through these prayers and practices every day.

Murshid’s guidance includes an acknowledgement that it is necessary to use all our resources in right proportion, to seek allopathic medical healing when needed, to cultivate and maintain healthy lifestyle choices, and to use spiritual healing as an ongoing practice. He gave instructions to keep our thoughts turned toward healing with each action and every breath.

The Healing Collective holds ongoing healing services that include some of Murshid’s prayers, breath concentrations, recitation of healing phrases, and pouring forth of healing energy for people who have requested it (and who have given permission for their names to be included in the service). Murshid was clear that we should not pray for people without their permission. We need to respect the autonomy and freedom of each soul and avoid attempts to impose our wishes or agendas for others.

The word “healing” means to come into wholeness, to return to rightness, to become complete. We should not presume that our preferences and desires are right. What we want and what we think are not ultimately true. In reality, even death is a “healing.” All phases of life and death are held in the hands and wisdom heart of God.

“One should think, ‘Every ray of the sun cures me, the air heals me; the food I take has an effect upon me; with every breath I inhale something which is healing, purifying, bringing me to perfect health.’ ”

~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

Abdullah Arshad

Abdullah Arshad

Mu’alim for the Sirat-i Inayat Healing Collective

Abdullah Arshad Belikoff-Strads lives in the Pacific Northwest in Portland, Oregon. He serves as Mu’alim for the Healing Collective, is a Shaikh and a Visioning Circle founding member of Sirat-i Inayat. Abdullah leads Healing Class every first Wednesday at 3pm MT, conducts Healing Service every third Wednesday at 3pm MT, and offers one on one Healing Chats. Dr. Abdullah also works in the field of naturopathic healthcare; for more information about his practice visit http://envitalize.life. Abdullah Arshad was surrounded by Sufi community growing up in California, has been a Sufi mureed since 2015 and loves attending Sufi retreats.

Check the event calendar for Healing Collective events.

If you would like to add yourself or a loved one, with their permission, to the healing prayer list please fill out this form.

Oh Thou, the Light of all souls, the Life of all beings, the Healer of our hearts, All- Sufficient and All-Powerful God, the Forgiver of our shortcomings, free us from all pain and suffering and make us Thy instruments, that we may in turn free others from pain and suffering, and we may impart to them Thy Light, Thy Life, Thy Joy and Thy Peace.


~ Healing Prayer of Hazrat Inayat Khan

Healing Prayer Requests

If you or a loved one (only with explicit permission) would like to be included on the healing prayers list, please fill out this form.

(Note: this is a different list than the prayer requests included in the monthly Sirat-i Inayat newsletter. To be included on that list, please visit here.)